text text n. (序文 注釈 付録などに対して)本文; 原文; 聖句; テキスト, 教科書. 【動詞+】 annotate a text 原文に注釈をつける collate the original text with… その原文を…と校合(きょうごう)する We hope these notes will illuminate the text. こ
examples of hendokumoji (kanji characters - in a chinese or classical japanese text - to be read in reverse order ): auxiliary verbs such as 如 (gotoshi ), 不 (zu ), 為 (su , sasu , tari ), 令 (shimu ), 可 (beshi ), 被 (ru , raru ), and so on . 返読文字の例 助動詞では、如(ごとし)、不(ず)、為(す・さす・たり)、令(しむ)、可(べし)、被(る・らる)など。
however , according to an ancient japanese text , among the seven ships , including the powhatan , that gathered on january 16 , two steamers and three sailing ships bombarded susaki in awa province (present-day chiba prefecture ). ところが、1月16日に結集した「ポーハタン」以下七隻の内、蒸気船二隻と帆船三隻が安房国(千葉県)洲崎を砲撃した、と日本側の古文書にある。
characteristics of the style is that standard ' kaeshiyomi (reversal reading in a chinese of classical japanese text )' originating from chinese writing is mixed in a sentence in which word order follows the rules of the japanese language . 文体の特徴は、日本語の語順で語彙が並ぶ文章に、漢文に由来する定型の「返し読み」を混ぜて書かれたことである。
each of these four children wrote literary works on ogai , in particular , mari ' s ( " my father ' s hat " published in a japanese text book ) and annu ' s ( " bannen-no chichi " (my father in his last years ) are well known . 4人の子供はいずれも鴎外について著作を残しており、とりわけ茉莉(国語教科書に載った『父の帽子』)と杏奴(『晩年の父』)が有名である。
it is presumed that there is a connection between the origin of the sword and what is mentioned as the ' ame no murakumo no mikoto ' in the ' owari clan genealogy ' and ' tsumori clan genealogy ' in the " sendai kuji hongi " (a historical japanese text ), as well as in the ' amabe clan genealogy .' 「海部氏系図」、『先代旧事本紀』の「尾張氏系図」、「津守氏古系図」等に載る「天村雲命」との関係も推測される。